Sunday, September 12, 2004

President Bowel Movement on the Pantleg of History

I can't even imagine the gnashing and grinding of teeth that would be all over primetime if even a fraction of this stuff was being alleged against John Kerry.
...Bush’s charge sheet for alleged wrongdoing has got it all – sex, drugs, cowardice, cruelty; his alleged failings and foibles are imperial in stature.

But then Jesus forgave George for every transgression and, of course, being born again, and all, he came to embrace Christianity.
Perhaps the most disturbing example of Bush’s zeal for the Death House was shown in 1998 when he was governor of the state of Texas. Karla Faye Tucker was then facing execution by lethal injection. The former teen prostitute had committed murder after a three-day drug binge and later underwent a religious conversion in jail. As a born-again Christian – just like Bush – many religious leaders wanted her life spared. Tucker even appeared on Larry King’s TV show to discuss her case. Bush was caught out by a reporter mocking the condemned woman. Sneering at her, he put on a whiney voice, pouted his lips and whimpered: “Please, don’t kill me.”

Thanks to Smirking Chimp for the link.

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