Skeptical Brotha has a wickedly perceptive take on the Obamas' new Christmas ad.
"The effect of a good government is to make life more valuable,-- of a bad one, to make it less valuable."-- Henry David Thoreau
we’ve got George Felix Allen “shoving” a severed deer’s head into a mailbox,
we’ve got Bush himself blowing up frogs by shoving firecrackers up their ass and lighting the fuse,
we’ve got one Janet Rowland comparing gay marriage to a man marrying a sheep, and of course,
we’ve got Willard Mitt Romney strapping his dog Seamus on top of his car until a “brown liquid” ran down the back window.
And now we’ve got the son of likeable Mike Huckabee, Republican candidate for President, killing a dog using a “particular process” that was, to say the least, not “kind.” Makes you wonder how these guys bring up their kids, doesn’t it?